Acute idiopathic hearing loss is a sudden disturbance of ones sound sensation which usually occurs one-sided and without a discernible cause (idiopathic). The degree of hearing loss can range anywhere from a minor loss to complete deafness. It can affect all frequencies or be limited to only a few. Acute idiopathic hearing loss which is defined as hearing loss with no discernable cause must be differentiated from hearing disturbances with a clearly identifiable cause. The course of acute idiopathic hearing loss is very varied. But a relatively high rate of spontaneous recovery has been reported. This spontaneous recovery is an expression of the high individual ability for nerve cell regeneration (= auditory and balance cells). High dosage Low-Level-Laser therapy according to Dr. Wilden® as well as MLS home therapy strengthen and stimulate the ability of the overstrained cells of the inner ear to regenerate and, thus, heal.